Day 3 in the Aztec World

 I had only realised late night that I have only a few more hours left to be in the Aztec world. Looks like there is a 72-hour limit for time travelling. My trip has been splendid; I learnt more things in these three days than everything I had learnt in the previous 13 years of my life. 

Image shows the part of Tenochtitlán I stayed in during my visit. Retrieved from

Living in the ancient Aztec world is very different from living in New Zealand in 2022. The people, the language, the environment, everything. But what I find the most different and fascinating about the Aztecs is their food being sold in markets. Sure, they have the basic fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes, maize (corn), potatoes, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, avocados, etc, but there is not much meat in sight. In our modern world, you will surely find a large variety of meat and fish in our markets, but it doesn't seem so in the Aztec world. Apparently, meat is eaten very sparingly. Their meals are predominantly vegetables, especially maize, which is very important to the Aztec culture. Beans also count as large part of their diet. The reason why the Aztecs eat more plant-based food than meat is that it is easier to grow crops and other plants than to hunt animals for their meat, which is quite different to nowadays in New Zealand. As 2022, we can pop into a store and pay for the food, and that is not how life works here in the Aztec world. Most people here eat twice a day. For breakfast, it usually consists of a maize porridge with spices or honey, or it can also be tortillas with various beans and sauces as the filling. As the meal that is eaten in the afternoon (I wonder if they call it lunch or dinner here...), it is usually either a casserole with tomatoes and various types of squash, or tortillas and beans.

This image shows the Aztecs cooking various different food and eating. Retrieved from

Overall, my unexpected trip back in time to the Aztecs was a very gripping journey. I have learnt so much over the last three days, and I am quite reluctant to go back to the modern world. But life goes on, and who knows what I will miss in life if I stay here in the Aztec world?


  1. This was such a nice blog! I really enjoyed reading this and I also learned a lot of things while reading this as well. I'm glad that you had such a nice time in the Aztec world. - Yun Pan


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